508 8th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Join the City of Greeley and Xcel Energy Partners in Energy on February 27 for a networking and showcase event focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities for Greeley businesses.
This free event will include:
Energy case studies of Greeley businesses and community facilities
Information about free and low-cost utility programs and rebates
Tips for how to businesses can save energy and money
Opportunities to network with utility representatives and local leaders
Raffle prizes and light refreshments
Plan on dropping in at any time during the 2-hour event. Space is limited so please RSVP to let us know if you can make it!
For more information about Greeley’s Energy Action Plan visit: greeleygov.com/eap.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/greeley-energy-efficiency-renewable-energy-showcase-for-businesses-tickets-92287066099.