714 8th St
Greeley, CO 80631
The Historic Preservation Commission sponsors the History Brown Bag program. The August event features young Chautauquans. Several local youths will be presenting historic characters at this event. The event is in person at the Greeley History Museum. The room capacity is limited to 30 attendees.
Three young chautauqua scholars will present living history portrayals as a culmination of months of independent research. Scarlette Howell will portray Marie Curie. Selena Quintanilla will be performed by Gisele Larson-Reyes. Alexandre Larson-Reyes will represent Edwin Hubble. The presenters for this event will be beginning 5 through 7 grades in the fall. This is a post-High Plains Chautauqua, with the main presentations being held virtually between Aug. 2 -5.
To learn more about Greeley’s Historic Preservation Program, please visit greeleygov.com/hp.