1001 11th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
Do you want to remove part of your lawn and replace it with low-water-use plants? This landscape lecture covers the most effective ways to transform your landscape from grass to xeriscape. If you are a Greeley Water customer, you may be a candidate for the Life After Lawn (cash for grass) program.
Get financial assistance to remove water-thirsty bluegrass turf and plant a more sustainable Colorado Xeriscape. To participate, attend this landscape lecture to find out more.
This class will be led by Ruth Quade, Water Conservation Manager at the City of Greeley.
The class is free. Space is limited, and RSVPs are required. This ensures that we have enough seats and materials. Sign up.
Greeley’s Water Conservation Program offers a Landscape Lecture series to the community. This is one of these events. Visit GreeleyGov.com/LandscapeLectures for more information on all upcoming sessions. Follow the “water” tag on Greeley Calendar to find out more about all of our water and conservation events.
Tickets: http://greeleycalendar.com/cash-for-grass/.